We are happy to be partners of the "Osokina Freedom Festival for Ukraine", where all proceeds from the concerts will be donated to support Ukraine.
on May 27 at 19:00 at the Ola Foundation Cultural Room pianist Andrejs Osokins will perform together with a string quartet. In the program Traditions and excellence in our changing world - J.S. Pieces by Bach, J. Brahms and Ukrainian composers.
From May 7 to June 11, the fourth Freedom Festival of pianist Andrejs Osokins will take place in Riga, which will be dedicated to Ukraine and its people for the second year. It will gather Latvian and Ukrainian musicians, actors and groups recognized in Latvia and the world. Especially for the festival, new musical collaborations, concert programs and other events will be created to remind of the ideals of freedom and humanity, to inspire society to support each other more, to provide a moment of respite and strength, as well as, in cooperation with Ukrainian support organizations, to promote the involvement of Ukrainian refugees living in Latvia in various in events.
Andrejs Osokins, the author and implementer of the idea of the festival, says: "The war continues for more than a year, which is completely unimaginable, therefore with this year's festival program, by combining the abilities, energy and talents of all of us, we want to promote the cohesion of society, remind how extremely important it is to continue support Ukraine and Ukrainians. We in Latvia are united by the desire for freedom, we understand and feel the values that the Ukrainian people are fighting for, therefore, with our unwavering stance against Russia as an aggressor, we are an example for other countries to support Ukraine even more powerfully, because its army is the main force that brings us closer with our blood victory and bring peace and freedom to us all."
Slava Ukraini!
Guests are invited to come from 18:15 for a glass of wine from the Barents restaurant and a viewing of two current exhibitions.
Cooperation partners of the concert: