Zelta Karte
Experience the personality, charm and design of our residence, where every detail has its own story.
In the new two-story residence building there are 10 Junior Suite rooms, from which a beautiful view of the garden and the main building of the Ola Foundation opens up. All rooms, in the size of 20m2, are designed with a harmonious blend of comfort and style.
Here, the finds from the owners' travels meet design elements and architectural solutions specially created for the residence, creating a foundation for an unforgettable and comfortable stay in an elegant atmosphere.

The Art of Living
Piedzīvojiet mūsu rezidences personību, īpašo šarmu un ar mīlestību veidoto dizainu, kur ikkatrai detaļai ir savs stāsts.
Ekskluzīvajā divstāvu Rezidencē atrodas 10 Junior Suite numuri, no kuriem paveras skaists skats uz dārzu un Ola Foundation galveno ēku. Mājīgie numuri ir veidoti ar harmonisku komforta un stila sajaukumu.
Šeit satiekas Olas saimnieku ceļojumu atradumi, īpaši rezidencei veidoti dizaina elementi un arhitektūras risinājumi, lai elegantā gaisotnē radītu pamatu neaizmirstamai un komfortablai atpūtai.

The Ola Foundation is a place where the mind and heart meet.
This building is my manifesto as an architect and builder. In my understanding, this is how we can look at the essence of this complex technological century through architecture. The building is dominated by glass, concrete and wood, which I believe are the three pillars on which the construction and architecture of this century is based.