Ulda Pīlēna seminārs - Autentiskums kā dzīves kvalitāte: drosme dzīvot saskaņā ar sevi (REĢISTRĀCIJA BEIGUSIES)

Uldis Pīlēns' Seminar - Authenticity as a Quality of Life: The Courage to Live in Harmony with Yourself (REGISTRATION CLOSED)

19 March, 09:00 | Ola Foundation
Kā saprast šo laiku, kas nemitīgi mainās? Reading Uldis Pīlēns' Seminar - Authenticity as a Quality of Life: The Courage to Live in Harmony with Yourself (REGISTRATION CLOSED) 3 minutes Next Divas spožas mūzikas zvaigznes – vijolniece Elīna Bukša un pianiste Aurēlija Šimkus – vienā vakarā! (IZPĀRDOTS)
Thank you for the great response! We have reached the maximum number of participants for the seminar on March 19, and registration is now closed. If you didn’t manage to register but would still like to attend, please send your application to ola@olafoundation.lv and we will place you on the waiting list in case a spot becomes available. AUTHENTICITY AS A QUALITY OF LIFE: THE COURAGE TO LIVE IN HARMONY WITH YOURSELF March 19, 9:00 AM – 2:00 PM Address: Ogļu iela 12a, Riga, Ola Foundation In today’s fast-paced world, where competition, social pressures, and external influences grow stronger, it is easy to lose touch with our authentic selves. However, true growth and fulfillment begin when we learn to live in harmony with ourselves—both in our personal lives and professional environments.Uldis Pīlēns is an architect and entrepreneur with over 35 years of experience. He founded UPB, one of Latvia’s largest and most export-oriented industrial conglomerates. Through his professional journey, he has demonstrated that true value and success emerge when we live in alignment with our core values and authentic selves.Main Seminar Topics:What is authenticity? How to find and recognize your true self? How to distinguish truth from social influence or imposed masks?How is the courage to be yourself formed? How to develop self-confidence and the courage to live according to your values? How to withstand external influences and pressure while maintaining your identity?Authenticity in relationships and work: How to be open and honest in relationships without losing respect for others? The importance of authenticity in leadership and teamwork.Practical methods for developing authenticity: How to recognize and understand your true values. Mindfulness techniques that help strengthen the balance between heart and mind. How to create harmony between yourself and the demands of the outside world.Seminar Schedule:Arrival and light breakfast from 8:15 AMPart 1: 9:00 – 10:20 AMCoffee break: 10:20 – 10:40 AMPart 2: 10:40 AM – 12:00 PMCoffee break: 12:00 – 12:20 PMPart 3: 12:20 – 1:30 PMQuestions, answers, discussions: 1:30 – 2:00 PMPrice: €160 excluding VAT.Special offer for Gold Card holders: 10% discount on seminar participation fee.The price includes a light breakfast, two coffee breaks with snacks.If you need an invoice issued to a company, please contact ola@olafoundation.lv.